& Profane Chamber Chorus to premiere "I Am In Need of Music"
May 2022
Tribune review of "I wandered lonely as a Cloud"
February 2022
Voci Women's Vocal Ensemble releases a virtual-choir performance of Are Women People?
July 2021
Sacred and Profane Chamber Chorus recorded the Zoom premiere of To Be Sung In the
Time of Teleconferencing as part of their first virtual concert.
June 2020
Voci Women's Vocal Ensemble has commissioned a new work for a December 2020 concert
celebrating the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage in the United States.
September 2019
Sacred and Profane Chamber Chorus commissioned a new work in honor
of Rebecca Seeman's fifteenth year as director.
May 2019
Remember premiered by the Harvard
Class of 1988 Memorial Chorus, Cambridge, MA.
May 2018
Voci Women's Vocal Ensemble premieres Renouncement as part of a concert
featuring five new works by Bay Area composers.
May 2017